I am happy to take a minute to share important things
and organizations that are important to me and I actively support
(some in PL)

1. Faith

- Participate: Beczka Dominikanie

- Read: Deon

- Videos: Bible Project

- Podcasts: Tak Myślę T. Terlikowskiego

2. Charities

- Nature: WWF

- People: Dobra Fabryka

- Local: PCK

- People: Charity: Water

- Local: PAH + Pajacyk

- People: Médecins Sans Frontières

- Nature: Siera Club

- People: Bill Gates Foundation

- Sports: Krakowski Wolontariat Sportowy

3. Source of knowledge

- World: Raport Rosiaka (+ Rożek u Rosiaka)

- World: A la une, Euronews, i.pl

- Football: Awangarda, Tifo IRL, The Athletic, Tomasz Ćwiąkała, Meczyki, L'After Foot

- Mathematics: Michael Penn, Numberphile, 3Blue1Brown, University of Colorado Boulder

- AI/ML: Papers of the week, Hu Po, Two Minute Papers

- Science: Science Vs, How stuff works, Radio Naukowe, Nature

- Education (classics): Khan, Big Think, TED-Ed, edX

- Money: System trader

- Philosophy: Philosophize this!


I am a very positive thinker, and I think that is what helps me the most in difficult moments.

Mateusz Pyla Roger Federer


Do not lord it over the group which is in your charge, but be an example for the flock.

— 1 Peter 5, 3.


It is all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.

— The Rolling Stones